Monday 5 October 2015

Is Britain racist?

So the BBC decided to commission a program about racism. Asking if Britain is racist.

First of all a racism program on the BBC will always have certain narratives.

1. That white people are the accused
2. That non white people are the victims
3. That it has to be hosted by a 'minority'

And this will always have the same results.

1. Certain non white(I don't like to group as one but...) people will eat it up.
2. Certain white people will feel like this is bullshit & get angry
3. Some white people will feel ashamed & lament how uneducated and dumb other white people are.

Essentially it creates division & arguments, when Britain is actually a pretty decent place and racially fairly good with little problems. Though religiously quite a few with this Islam situation.

So we had some young mixed race?(I think anyway) girl interviewing people and doing bizarre experiments while arguing with anyone who had an opinion she didn't like.

Considering the show was about racism, she continually confused culture, Islam & Muslims a lot with race. Usually a sign someone isn't too intelligent.

One experiment was offering people free doughnuts in the street, when a Muslim woman in a Niqab offered a passer by a doughnut and she said no.........Apparently this was a sign of racism?

At this point it was clear the show was really stupid. She then went out to interview people from the EDL & Liberty GB. Which again kinda shows her stupidity. These are anti Islamic groups. They are anti Islam not racially motivated, it's not logical to confuse race/religion.

Everyone she interviewed who had been a victim of racism happened to be non white.
Everyone who she tried to portray as racist happened to be white.

I am sure that was just a coincidence.

It was only a month or so ago a Nigerian Christian black teacher was stabbed & called the N-Word in a racially motivated attack at a school. The BBC covered this story in some depth but failed to note the race of the attacker.  Other places reported he was 'Asian'  He was a Pakistani Muslim.

In Kings Cross in London was a brutal gang rape of an Austrian tourist by several black teenagers. They continually referred to her as a 'white bitch' during the rapes.
In 2011 a Muslim gang of girls got drunk & beat the hell out of a white girl while using non stop racial insults. The judge remarkably didn't sentence them citing ''They weren't used to drinking, so cannot be blamed for their actions''  If that's white supremacy then ......

These are just random examples of which there are literally thousands, racism in Britain is not at all how it's being portrayed in this programme. You have had black on Chinese attacks, Pakistani on black attacks, black & pakistani rapes of white girls/women(this one is way too common) often with a clear racial motive or racial insults used, and we have the 'traditional' white on black stuff, which to me I don't see anymore in London anyway.

So what was the actual point of this program? It seemed to just be a young agenda driven girl trying to find things to backup her own prejudiced opinion & then others who think like her will basically use confirmation bias to think what they saw was an accurate good documentary, when it was actually a load of shit.

All these propaganda type things tend to just be divisive & try & install some victimhood or guilt when it's really unjust. Britain is pretty clear of racial issues in all reality. There are problems with Islam & Muslims with certain groups, but this isn't racial. This is cultural & religious.

Here's some ways to logically break down how ignorantly absurd all this is anyway...

1. In Calais right now we have a ton of Africans desperate to come to Britain. They're literally risking their lives. Yet they're in France? Why the heck would you be so desperate to get to a racist country from a supposedly good country like France?

2. If Britain is really some white supremacist country or racist in the way these people portray. Then why are all the programmes about it hosted by non white people?  When are we going to have a racism show hosted by a white right wing guy?

The truth is the Guardian newspaper is a leftist race baiting outlet. They have produced many inflammatory pieces on's one example -

The BBC essentially is a PC leftist outlet. They advertise their jobs in the Guardian. They're been very heavily hiring Muslims also, so if you've noticed any odd propaganda or why this racism show really was about Islam..then that's why BTW.

Then the Labour party who lean on the Guardian & an ex Labour peer runs most of the BBC at this current time.

So there's a political machine a TV/Radio/Internet machine & a newspaper outlet all as a trifecta & when it comes to race they're all in the same philosophy. Racism = White person doing something to a non white person.

The problem with this, is it just isn't true. This is not racism. This is a very selective idea of racism which is really divisive and based on double standards. They will use dumb young people like the girl who hosted this show to further this narrative as they feel that person can relate to other young dumb people who will eat it up...
I'll give you an example..
^ That's an incredibly racist dumb piece, but the Guardian happily give her a platform to write such stupid shit.
Just like the BBC gave this girl a whole program.

The people involved in this program, the EDL, Liberty GB both say they gave hours of footage & interviews but only a selected few minutes were shown.

So essentially they targeted groups they know are unapologetic & focused on Islam & then used them to portray white people against other races...then edited the footage to show the worst parts of this.

It's also a way to scare younger non white people away from the British flag, English flag, pride in Britain etc. Because if you think these things are synonymous with racism, you won't like them.

Really the trend was 50/50, some people eating it up feeling ashamed, some saying eh this is kinda biased man....then as it trended awhile it was taken over by all the agenda driven freaks.

As per usual, twitter offered some funny but sad tweets. Unfortunately it trended #1 worldwide so Americans got involved, they love a racial topic, especially black Americans, so despite the fact most of them never even been to Britain & wouldn't get a good grade in history, they suddenly know how horrible Britain is and everything about British history...

Here's a few

An intersectional feminist(for those who don't know, they tend to run around twitter calling white people 'crackas & mayo unseasoned food devils' while having no clue about anything & worrying about their twitter ratio. 

Anyway she's put four pictures together from the last 60 years to prove Britain is racist. The first is graffiti on a Muslim section board. If that's proof then it's poor proof, since you can find all kinds of things vandalized by all kinds of people.
The 2nd is a famous saying of no Irish, No blacks, no dogs...this is an historical myth. These signs never actually existed. My family are Irish, moved here in 1950's, never had an issue.
3rd & 4th I don't know what they are or where they're from, but they're certainly not recent.

In essence insectional feminists work on the basis the white man is evil & to blame, they view European countries & America as the white man's country, so they will never say good things about them. They're very stupid sheepish cult like people.

Someone called 'hoe of color' offers her wisdom that Britain is the grandfather of racism. You'll notice people who identify their race as their twitter name. Melanin barbie, something of color, African Queen, black Goddess etc, tend to always be very racially insulting/minded. Imperialism has nothing to do with racism. A lot of people brought that up. Makes no sense.

Next girl replies to something nobody said & then insults white people because of it. She's in the US she didn't watch the show, she just wants to make a comment on racism against white people. that's literally her purpose. 

 Next someone with Cis white male tears in her bio, claims Britain must be racist as it's built on slavery, colonialism, imperialism. The last two have nothing to do with racism. The first one is false. Slavery is not and was not a fundamental part of Britain.

What does invading 80 countries have to do with Britain being racist?
This clown here typifies American blacks who are obsessed with racism. They have to comment on racism subjects, they feel like it's about them and it's their identity when they have no clue what they're talking about. His bio says ''Intelligent black child'' Just Lol

I mean look at this. What the heck is she talking about? How is any of that(some BS) relevant to Britain being racist? This is why America always has racism issues, people like this are so desperate for it.

Well Ok......

Like I said if you got black girl black this in your bio profile, you tend to be racially minded in a negative stupid way....just ridiculous comments.

Someone who is British & ashamed, summing up twitter's usual reaction to racial topics. White people STFU.


Anyway, Britain isn't racist, still, there is racism in Britain. It's not endemic, but it's there, ATM it's significantly more active among Pakistani communities & some social justice types & particularly intersectional feminists. These are the people who will judge you by your skin color, rather than what you say, ATM it's white people coming under insults, but that can change, so to people with better thinking minds, never accept racism.